Oxidation Catalyst

Variety of ceramic catalysts for your application.

LiqTech LiqTech supplies oxidation catalysts in cordierite and metal for automotive and non-automotive applications. The emission catalysts can be designed to remove CO, HC, and gas engines' rich operation, including NOx.
For the diesel on- and off-road segment, we offer a variety of pre-catalysts for diesel particulate filters (DPF) systems. The portfolio includes pre-catalysts for continuously regenerating traps, catalyzed continuously regenerating, fuel-borne catalyst (FBC), and post-injection systems.
For genset, marine, and locomotive engines, we provide diesel oxidation catalysts for both diesel and gas engines. The catalyzed metal substrates can be supplied in diameters up to 1200 mm or modular catalysts in square blocks for larger applications.
We have developed a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC), DOC Survivor, with Sulphur tolerance for a region with high-sulfur levels. The DOC Survivor is a “plug and forgets” solution for a simple reduction of odor and smoke in applications where a DPF cannot be applied because of high Sulphur levels.
We also have experience coatings more untraditional materials such as sponges, pellets, and substrates in non-standard dimensions. Our focus is to obtain a good substrate supplier connection and be excessively flexible.
Customized Emission Catalyst Design for All Applications

Besides our standard products, LiqTech activity engages in partnerships to develop emission catalysts for specific applications. Based on engine specifications, gas analysis, and emission requirements, we make our recommendations for the ceramic catalyst design.
Through a technology license from LiqTech, our partners can set up their production of catalyzed substrates for catalysts.

Different Emission Catalysts

LiqTech supplies oxidation catalysts in cordierite and metal for both mobile and stationary applications. The catalysts can be designed to remove CO, HC, and gas engines' rich operation, including NOx.

● DOC (Diesel oxidation Catalyst)
●  Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR)(SCR)
● Standard sizes in 100-200 CPSI (DPF)
● 3 way catalyst
● Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR)
● DOC (Diesel oxidation catalyst)
● LPG(Liquidfied patrolium gas
● Technology License
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