Silicon Carbide Ceramic Membrane Products

Silicon Carbide Ceramic Membrane Products

For more than two decades, LiqTech has manufactured products ofre-crystalized silicon carbide that provides state-of-the-art silicon carbideceramic membrane products for gas and liquid purification. We specialize in twobusiness areas: silicon carbide ceramic membranes for liquid filtration anddiesel particulate filters (DPFs) for the control of soot exhaust particlesfrom diesel engines. Using nanotechnology, we develop proprietary productsusing patented silicon carbide technology. Our products are based on uniquesilicon carbide ceramic membranes that facilitate new applications and improveexisting technologies.

Our diesel exhaust and liquid filtration productsutilize silicon carbide ceramic membranes, which have certain qualities that webelieve make our products more effective than our competitors. Unlikefiltration products that use aluminum oxide, silicon carbide membranes arechemically inert and temperature resistant. Furthermore, silicon carbideceramic membranes exhibit a high degree of hydrophilicity (a tendency of asurface to become wet or to absorb water) that results in unique flux (lowenergy consumption). Siliconcarbide is also very durable with a hardness second only to diamond, making ita highly desirable material for a variety of aggressive fluids in industrialapplications. As a result, we believe that suchsuperior physical properties make our products desirable in bothexhaust emissions control products and liquid filtration products. 
  • years of experience in the filtration industry

  • water treatment systems installed worldwide with our ceramic membranes

Unique Properties with Endless Opportunities

  • Silicon carbide ceramic membranes with unique advantages:
    >Highest flux for any membrane material
    >Chemically inert pH 0-14
    >Thermally resistant up to 800°C
    >Hydrophilic material (water-loving)
    >Isoelectric point pH 2.4
    >Extremely hard & durable material 2930 +/- 80 kgf/mm³ (Vickers scale)
    >Abrasive Feeds
    >Low power usage and low pressure
    >Long membrane life
    >Low operational cost, low total cost of ownership

  • Our silicon carbide ceramics have been used in the following applications by our clients:
    >Marine scrubber wash water
    >Produced water
    >Pre-treatment of drinking water
    >Pre-filtration for reverse osmosis
    >Oil emulsion separation
    >Bacteria removal for aquaculture
    >Industrial wastewater
    >Separation of metals from liquids in industrial processes
    >Pool and spa water
    >... and many more

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